Name... Big Piney Woods Cats From... A State Of Winter, United States
Once upon a time, in the far north reaches of Idaho, in a place called The Big Piney Woods, there lived four cats. Three lived inside the cabin; there to be loved, honored, and waited on. One chose to live outside, in the magical woods; there to be loved, honored, and eat mice. This is their blog, as told by them, in smart kitty fashion. You must overlook grammer and spelling; they are cats, after all. You will find their pictures and stories below, in the order they came here, to become part of our family.
Anonymous posted at 6:51 AM
This is a beautiful rose, Toni. I had a yellow one a few years ago that I planted in the Rockery, thinking it would remain small. It has grown to about 3 feet tall and looks very silly in that position, but it can stay there.
Word Tosser posted at 9:32 AM
I agree with Sue.... I got one from my daughter for Mother's day. Thinking it is going to be the size you always see them in the store... knowing they always die(at least mine) I put it in the half barrel planter I have. Lo and behold, it is now over 2 feet tall and blooms all over it. Which leaves me with the thought of how do I get it thru the winter. I thought it would die. lol...